What Ministers can Learn from Zack Snyder's Justice League Cut

much more. Justice leagueDespite the setbacks, the DCEU had planned on having their character’s solo movies come together similar to Marvel’s Avengers by uniting their core superheroes in Justice League movie. The Justice League was going to be a real kickstarter for the DCEU and propel it into the future with even more movies to come. However, the Justice League didn’t turn out that way. It ended up being a disaster. During filming there were a lot of conflicts between Zack Snyder, the original Director and the Producers. Then finally, Snyder, who completed a lot of the movie had to step down after the death of his daughter. After that DC hired a new Director and changed a lot of what Zack Snyder had envisioned for the movie. That led to a lot of controversies and it failed to generate the excitement that Marvel’s Avengers did and it was not well received. In total it ended up losing over $100 million. What DC fans had always wanted was to see what Justin League could have been like if Snyder could have finished it. Well on March 18th, Warner Brother’s released Snyder’s “cut” (version of the movie) and, in my opinion, it was much better than the original. It was longer but because of that you were able to see more of the story. And, because you got to see the whole story and vision of the movie, it made more sense and flowed so much better. It was the Justice League movie we should have seen from the start. How does this apply to ministry?

  • Your team has to be united. Conflicts between the Producers and Zack Snyder took its toll on the film and it caused Zack to ultimately leave. Your ministry team needs to act in unison. If your team is not united with direction then you will have a lot of turmoil and may not be able to minister to people most effectively.
  • Vision is so important. God has given you a vision for your ministry. Sure, you will get distracted, you may want to cut corners and you will have people doubt you. But, if God has given you the vision in your ministry, keep focused on following through on that so you can do the work God has for your ministry. The more we can do that, the more great things for the kingdom of Heaven will happen.
The failure of the originally released Justice League cost the DCEU a future. Had they let Zack Snyder finish the movie the way he had intended it could have been a different future for the DCEU. In the same way, your ministry needs to be united and following through on the vision God has given you. The more you can do this the more your team can function with a togetherness that draws people closer to God which ultimately helps people see and experience Jesus, without having to make multiple versions of the same ministry movie. Unite as a team and follow through on God’s vision and see what great things you can do for the kingdom of Heaven. What do you think? Share them and your experiences below or on social media use my twitter handle @tapounder or #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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