Quotes and Encouragement from That Church Conference '21

That Church Conference and decided to go to the 2016 Conference where I got to learn from the likes of Dave Adamson, Darrel Girardier, Phil Bowdle and much more. Here are my notes from 2016’s That Church Conference. That Church Conference '21This year Justin Dean put on another great That Church Conference that really encouraged and challenged me as I navigate this pandemic world and post-pandemic world we will be getting to. Now, even though I didn’t win the MacBook Pro they were giving away, there were a number of quotes and encouraging messages I heard from That Church Conference ’21. Here they are:

  • “Leadership isn’t about you, but starts with you.” – Phil Bowdle
  • “If you add value everyday and if you speak to the real needs of real human hearts, you will break the algorithms.” – Matt Brown
  • “Organizations rise and fall based upon the quality of their ideas” – Ben Stapley
  • “Online Church is not an either/or thing with in person worship. It’s both. Both are important. Both reach people for Christ. And both are what is going to keep the Church going year after year after year.” – Mark Harvard
  • “Fellowship matters. Community matters…It doesn’t necessarily have to be the way we have done it before.” – Phil Cooke
  • “You have a responsibility to create a culture within your team that inspires and connects people.” – Jenni Catron
  • “Equip your ministry leaders. Train your ministry leaders to use the software.” – Marcy Carrico
  • “How can you tell success? If they are listening, liking, engaging and sharing your content.” – Mark MacDonald
  • “Effective communication rises and falls on how well you know your audience.” – Mark MacDonald
  • “This is an opportunity to think through or rethink our strategy for how to create truly hybrid worship.  I think one of two things may happen if we are not careful. As we get back in the room we may continue to talk to the camera because we have been doing that for a year and we will treat people in the room like the studio audience like Saturday night Live or whatever. Or what is more likely to happen is we will go back to talking to the room give the room all of our attention and we will make the people at home feel like observers of an experience they are not really apart of.” – Jason Moore
  • “If we revert to the old way we will lose all the gains we made in the past year and we have made gains. No one wants to feel like an afterthought.” – Jason Moore
  • “Very, very rarely is it the well thought out, well executed, well planned marketing campaigns that actually go viral that people actually share with each other. Almost always things that go viral things that get a lot of engagement are things that make people feel something and those things. And often those things are unpredictable.” – Ashley Adamson
  • “Every moment matters. It’s an opportunity for impact.” – Jessica Bealer
  • 3 things to consider when you post on social media from Aaron Hall
    1. Will it speak the truth?
    2. Will it encourage people?
    3. Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ
That Church Conference ’21 was a great 2 day online only conference this year with tons of encouragement. These were some of the quotes that encouraged and challenged me. Did you attend That Church Conference ’21? What encouraged or challenged you? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.  Also, if you want to know how you can use digital tools to reach more people for Christ, join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group today. It doesn’t matter what what ministry you serve in or what your position is (volunteer, part-time or full-time), if you have a desire to learn check out the group today. Digital Missionary [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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