Why High School Football Games are Key this Fall for Your Ministry

There are lots of ways you can reach out and begin to minister to your community every year. You can volunteer in the schools, engage people in your community online, serve your community during the winter, or be part of community events that are happening. While all those are important, there is one place in your community that is packed most Friday nights in the Fall that can really help you minister to your community in the Fall. What is that place? It is the local high school football stadium.

During most Friday nights in the Fall at the local high school, there is the sound of cheers, laughter, marching bands, cheer leaders and much more. That was not the case last Fall. In fact, last Fall was a very challenging year for fans of high school football. For much of the pro and college football season hardly any fans were allowed in, if at all. But for high school football, it was even more of a challenge. Every area was different based on the COVID restrictions but there were some areas where the football season was played in the Spring with very limited fans allowed to attend.

But this Fall is different. Even with the Delta variant around and causing another wave of infections, fans are back in the stands and people are excited to experience a “normal” football season again. There is energy in the stadiums and excitement in the crisp Fall evenings as the community is excited to be together and cheer on their local high school football team. And because of that, that is why ministers of all ministries should be there. High School football games are where the community congregate each week.

Football season is a great time of year and it is perfect for ministers to go, meet new students and families as well and further establish relationships with current ones. Young kids, families and grandparents all come to the football games. It provides you and the fellow team at your Church a great opportunity to connect, to serve and to minister. There are lots of opportunities at high school football games. So this Fall, go to where the community is, and use it as an opportunity to meet new students and families and see what God does in your ministry.

What do you think? How has High School Football been a great place for your ministry to minister? Share your ideas below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. 

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