Every Ministry Team Needs a Conductor

The Royal Concertgebouw, Berlin Philharmonic, Vienna Philharmonic, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. These are some of the best Orchestras in the world. They have some of the best, most well know musicians in those orchestras. And, those play instruments that make a beautiful sound together. The tuba, French horn, violin, clarinet. You name the instrument, it is likely to be in an orchestra.

conductorThe thing is that when these musicians play their music together, they make some of the most beautiful music in the whole world. However, just because they are elite musicians don’t mean they will play the music well together.  If they were to just play their music out of sync or not on cue, the music would not sound good at all. They need a leader to make the music sound amazing. That leader is called a conductor.

A conductor is someone who leads a musical group in the performance and interpretation of ensemble works. At the bare minimum, a conductor is someone who stresses the musical pulse so that all the performers can follow the same metrical rhythm. A conductor brings all the individual musicians together with the music to make a beautiful sound.

So how does this play in ministry? Here is how.

I have been part of some amazing teams in my career. Some have been really successful in working together in the common mission and some have been not so successful. And while the not so successful ones had some amazing individuals on the team who were dynamic leaders, the reason why they weren’t as successful and good to be part of is because they didn’t work together as a team. They were their own individuals working for themselves, not the team. They needed a conductor to unite them and lead.

Every great ministry team has a conductor. They need someone to see the bigger picture so that the whole team can make beautiful music together. Someone who can take the amazing and dynamic individual leaders, who are gifted and talented in different ways, and bring them together in a team environment so that the mission can be accomplished. Without the conductor, your team will not be a team. They will be individuals working for themselves, not the greater good. They will not be as effective as they can be. Find that conductor

What do you think? How have you seen a conductor unite your team and help orchestrate a great ministry team? Share your ideas below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. 

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