13 Leadership Quotes from #DYMTrain

Here are 13 leadership quotes heard during the training: “You need to know you are a big deal to God.” – Albert Tait “It’s dark out there and we need you to turn the light on.” – Albert Tait “Lovingly correcting students is a vital part of our ministry to them (students).” – Heather Flies “Reprimand without relationship equals rebellion.” – Heather Flies “Part of discipleship is discipline.” – Doug Fields “Teach your teenagers to love your own community as Jesus would.” – Theo Davis “Teenagers will support what they help create.” – Theo Davis “When kids serve they stick.” – Josh Griffin “Your students deserve to be fully known and truly loved.” – Jessica Sanchez “When we help teenagers practice being in a godly community, it sets them up to build these communities themselves long after they graduate from our ministries.” – Jessica Sanchez “Success of a community is based on what you do in response to pain and conflict.” – Jessica Sanchez “We don’t need to be central but all of us long to be seen as essential.” Yulee Lee “Our role in discipleship is to walk alongside teenagers on their own journeys toward Christlikeness.” – Mark Osestreich Did you attend? What leadership quotes did you hear during the time? Share your ideas below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. 

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