Added fun during a service opportunity

When I first came to Cedar Run, one of our goals was to find a quarterly service oppotunity for our youth to participate in. We always did a summer mission trip and with the success of those trips, we wanted something to come home and do on a regular basis so our students didn’t have to wait to summer to serve.  As I was thinking through all that what we could do, the first places I looked at were food banks and other donation groups. Although they were good experiences and we did them a few times, our students never really connected with those groups.  I don’t know exactly why they weren’t connecting other than our teens seem to be more geared towards relational ministry opportunities rather than stocking shelves with food or collecting clothes for the homeless. So, we tried a Young Life ministry called Capernaum.  I wish I could remember why we choose Capernaum (maybe it was because we have a few students with disabilities in our youth program), but it became clear very quickly that not only did our students support this, but they excelled in this format.  From our very first time helping Capernaum over 4 years ago, a lot of our students showed up to help and when we buddied up with our Capernaum buddies, they took the initiative and loved these kids the way Christ loves them.  It is quite impressive to see our students step up in a big way and take ownership I have rarely had to tell our students what to do or to engage their buddies. They came and they served wholeheartedly. As much as I would love to tell you all the great experiences we have had doing Capernaum, the intention of writing this post centers around having a little extra fun during our time this past Saturday.  This past Saturday was our Capernaum Saturday night with this month’s theme being a Karaoke and Dance Party night.  We got American Idol for the Wii and the fun began!  American Idol Karaoke has some classic songs like, “I’m every woman” by Whitney Houston and “Y.M.C.A.” by the Village People.  But it also has some newer songs like “Apologize” from Timberland and “Who Knew” by Pink.  It is very easy to play as you just need the game, a Wii and 2 mics for the Wii. From the moment the first song came on to to the very end, our students and their buddies sang song after song after song.  Sometimes you couldn’t understand what was being sung, but that just added to the carefree nature of the whole event.  It was great as it seemed that almost every song ended up being an impromptu dance party.  It was a lot of fun to see our student and their buddies singing their hearts out with reckless abandonment. Normally when average high school students do karaoke with each other, it seems a little awkward at first until someone makes a complete fool of themselves which then gives others the freedom to go up and make a fool out of themselves.  However, that was never an issue this past weekend as we had some of the coolest people in their high schools stand up and make a complete fool out of themselves.  Why?  Because they were serving the Lord and because, as a Capernaum Buddy, you have to be prepared for anything and to do anything.  It was very rewarding to see the level of engagement our students had with their buddies.  I have said this each time we do Capernaum – our students serving as Capernaum Buddies benefit just as much, if not more, as it benefits the buddies they serve.  What a blessing! TAKE A MINUTE and..

  1. Review what service opportunities you are engaged in currently.  What is the benefit of being involved with them?  What is the level of involvement from your youth program?
  2. If you have been looking at various ministries to serve in and have not had too much success or if you are looking for a change of pace option, I think trying Capernaum in your area would be a great way to serve for you and your youth.  Take a look and see if there is a Capernaum ministry in your area, click here.
Have you had similar experiences with service opportunities?  Feel free to share them so we all can benefit.]]>

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