YM Devo: Giving God the Glory

Nehemiah 12:27-47 Questions to ponder:

  1. How did the Israelites choose to celebrate the completion of the Jerusalem wall?
  2. What does this show you about how they view God in the midst of the completion of the wall?
God clearly opened doors and provided the way for Nehemiah to come back to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall.  Because of all that God did in their midst to rebuild the wall, Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem chose to honor God and give Him the glory in the most appropriate way.  For instance, at the dedication, they did a few things:
  • They sought out Levites and brought them “to Jerusalem to celebrate joyfully the dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps and lyres.” (v. 27)
  • Gathered singers together for songs (v.28)
  • The Priests and the Levites purified themselves, the people of Jerusalem, the gates and the wall (v. 30)
  • Two Choirs were created and performed marched around the wall and then took their place in the house of God, rejoicing the whole time (v. 31-42)
  • They offered great sacrifices (v. 43)
My favorite part of this whole story was that “the sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away.” (v.43)  They were so excited and overjoyed about what God did that they sang their hearts out! What a powerful witness not just to the people of Jerusalem but to those people far away.  They could hear Jerusalem praising God and giving Him the glory. Do we honor God and give Him the glory this way?  Or, have we gotten away from this kind of celebration?  Have we been content in just giving him the glory and honor through just a simple, “thank you” or “God is great” comment?  Or, do we still honor God and give Him the glory the most appropriate way possible? Think of the possibilities that lie ahead if we rejoice in the Lord as the people of Jerusalem did.  Others may hear and come to know Him.  Others may even be uplifted in their faith.  Even more may be encouraged to take a step of faith that they have been hesitant about.  God can use this in countless ways. Application: Do we give honor and praise to God when he works in our midst? Think of the last time God did something great in your ministry or personal life.  I hope it was very recent.  What did you do to give God honor and glory for what He did? Take a few minutes to write down some past and recent accomplishments God did.  Then, spend some time giving him glory and honor.  Finally, make it your goal today to share with others about something great God has done and pray that God would use that to further His kingdom.]]>

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