6 Ways to Be a Digital Missionary

Ten to twelve years ago the term digital missionary was rarely, if ever, used. Very few people were online ministers and even fewer would actually be called digital missionaries. However, as Churches strive to fulfill the Great Commission, in today’s world you can be a digital missionary. It is a great way to reach people who would never step foot in a physical church location.

So how would go and reach people for Christ in today’s world? Here are 6 different ways to be a digital missionary.

Ways to Be a Digital Missionary

Social Media. Share inspiring content, Bible verses, and personal testimonies on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok. With so many people on social media today, there are lots of opportunities to share your faith and offer the hope of Christ on these platforms.

Content Creator. Start a faith-based blog, vlog or podcast. You can create regular content answering questions about faith, sharing devotionals, interview people about their faith stories, or offer other hope and encouragement. You can also participate in online forums. where you engage in discussions, offer support, and share your faith in appropriate ways.

Lead Online Bible studies and Life Groups. People want encouragement. They want hope. They even want to learn about God in different ways. Leading an online Bible study or starting a life group online, you can help people explore their faith. Invite people on social media or your friends. Email devotionals: Write and distribute regular devotional emails to subscribers.

Lead Online and VR mission trips. Mission trips are life changing. However, they are also expensive. While many people would want to go on a mission trip to help others, they may not be able to afford them. However, if you think outside the box and lead or participate in an online cultural exchanges and ministry opportunity, you can help others have that mission trip experience while eliminating the cost barrier.

be a digital missionaryOnline Gaming. You can play video games for fun or you can play video games with intentionality. When playing online games use it as a ministry opportunity where you seek to share about the hope of Christ. After all, you probably talk about a variety of things when play. Therefore, ask God to give you wisdom and discernment, before you play, about how you can share about Him and encourage people while you play.

VR Missionary. Virtual Reality and the Metaverse are very much a niche environment. However. there are lots of people in those virtual worlds every single day. When you go into those worlds, use it as an opportunity to encourage people in the hope and love of Christ. As with any time you seek to share about Christ to others, don’t force a faith conversation. Rather, earn there right to be heard with those in those worlds and see how God leads you to share about Him. People meet Jesus in every environment, including virtual ones.

As you go and fulfill the great commission in today's world, there are many ways you can be a digital missionary. Here are 6 ways. Click To Tweet


As more of the world has become a digital and online world, digital missionaries play a critical role in fulfilling the Great Commission. Highlighted above are six ways, but they aren’t the only ways. As technology continues to change and evolve, it will provide even more ways for missionaries to get out in these digital and online environments to reach more people for Christ. Which one is most interesting and appealing to you? Seek God’s guidance and be a digital missionary today.

Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. What else stands out to you? Share them below or on social media. 

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