The Christmas Cookie Give Away

BIG on community outreach.  However, I keep getting blown away with exactly how much community outreach we have going on. For instance, I just found out this past week that every year the women at New Life gather together and do a great Christmas Cookie Give Away.  Each woman who participates (this year there was 20) comes to New Life with at least 1 dozen cookies.  They take the cookies and assemble them in nice care packages.  After they do that, they deliver them to the local fire departments, schools, police stations and other community places with an invitation to our Christmas Eve service.  They also present the community workers with a simple “thank you” for their service. Now, I know this is a simple little gesture these women do but it is just 1 more way that New Life says thank you to the community and shows them that we are for them and with them. So what are you doing to reach out to the community?  Christ calls us to go out and reach the lost.  This is just 1 example but there are countless other ways you could do that.  If you have an idea, especially over the Christmas season, post it so we can all benefit.]]>

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