The Monday Morning Debrief: You are always representing

represents Christ.  That’s part of the responsibility we carry when we choose to be a minister for Him.  We are “on” 24/7.  That doesn’t make it fair or easy, but it is what it is and this is the life we have chosen to lead as people in ministry. So what do you think?  TAKE A MINUTE and process this and post a comment about this topic.  Do you agree, disagree or have an experience where you have seen representing Christ in your life or in the life of others as drawing people closer to Christ or further away?  Share your experience so we can all learn from each other.]]>

One Reply to “The Monday Morning Debrief: You are always representing”

  1. Saw your link on Twitter. I agree with you 100%, we always represent Christ. I do think, though, that if we have a "moment" of not representing Him well, we immediately have an opportunity to demonstrate humility and admit our wrong.

    For example, I've lost my cool in the heat of competition and then been able to confess that to someone and ask their forgiveness. I think a lot of good things can come out of something like that.

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