Orange '11 Breakout: Becoming the Leader you were meant to be

  • If your spiritual gift is leadership, do it diligently.
  • We need to grow and develop as leaders.  “The leaders that stops developing will eventually become a leader that’s NOT worth following” We need to choose transformation no matter what.  We can’t continue to remain where we are. There is an enemy that doesn’t want you to grow and be transformed.  The good news is that the fight is over, God has won the battle.  That means that we have to go and fight to be transformed.  Fight to no longer forgo your spiritual transformation. Identity:
    • Who am I?  Who am I not?
    • You are a unique leader.  Embrace your unique leadership style!
    • Stop comparing yourself to other leaders.
    • Every time you compare yourself to another leader, you lose.
    • Do what only you can do.
    • “Character is the will to do what is right even when it is hard” – Andy Stanley
    • There are a lot of competent leaders but a lot of them are without character.
    • Is your competence development beyond your character development?
    Leadership Liabilities:
    • What are you doing right now that is potentially destroying your leadership and the church?.
    • Where do you need to empower, what do you need to stop doing
    • As leaders we only need to say yes to the best and say no to all the rest.  Learn how to say “no”.
    • When you continue to say “yes” to everything, you are saying “no” to other things, maybe even “no” to your family.
    • We all have liabilities.  Discover it and submit it to God so He can help you.
    Following leads to Great leading:
    • All the leaders you admire, at one time, they were following, and still are.
    • The Bible talks more time on how to follow than how to lead.
    • There is foolish following.  It has a judgmental spirit.  Foolish following gossips.  Foolish following is leaking (someone who calls a prayer meeting for the pastor because of “poor” decision).
    • Wise following has honest communication, it has healthy loyalty (even when it is hard), it is heartfelt prayer
    We need to look for mentors – leaders who are worth following and learn from them. Learn how to repeat these patterns into the lives of others.  ]]>

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