Friday Evening General Session Highlights

  • John 6:5-9
  • We are all afraid of something.
  • The fear we live with is what I am doing, will it matter?  Am I wasting my time?
  • You are doing this because somewhere in your life, you felt a tug in your heart.  You were called.
  • What you do today will matter tomorrow.  If you hear nothing else today, you are not just a children’s work or just a youth worker.  What you are doing today matters!
  • Who is the hero of the John 6 story?  Jesus is the hero.  But the hero is the person who made this boy’s lunch.
  • If you want to make a difference you need to be concerned about Christ’s name in the lives of others.  It doesn’t matter how many Facebook friends or Twitter followers you have.  It is about sharing Christ’s name in the lives of others
  • There are 3 things we can do to make a difference.
  • 1. Teach them to recognize Jesus
  • The most messed up kids he’s encountered are the church kids.  Because they don’t recognize Jesus.  We teach our kids safe Bible stories.
  • We are so obsessed with appearing good, we teach them behavior modification, but we don’t teach them about a heart change.
  • 2. We have to teach them to trust Jesus
  • They get lied to all the time (they are an accident – evolution – there is nothing special about you).  They also get lied to by us saying we can do whatever we want to do as long as we believe.
  • The Truth is there is a God in heaven who custom designed you with a plan and purpose in mind.  When you surrender fully to Christ, you will discoer exactly what the creator designed you to do.
  • The child in John 6 believed that Christ could do something with his food.
  • 3. We need to release them to Jesus
  • We have to release the next generation so that they know who Jesus is so that THEY can reach their generation.  It is not our job to reach the next generation.  It is our children’s job to know Christ and reach their own generation.
  • That means that the way we do church will probably change and we have to be OK with that.
  • We have to teach them to Trust Jesus and then get out of the way.
  • What you do matters tomorrow.  They may not remember your sermons or Bible studies, but they will remember you were there for them and represented Christ to them.
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