Getting the word out

August/September.  This was the 1st time I have ever done anything like this before, so here are some of the things I learned:

  1. Every church in every community needs to take the opportunity and do these events!  We got to interact with a few hundred people in a 4 hour time period.  Not only did we interact with the residence of the community but we got to talk to other businesses in the community and started some nice relationships that we can hopefully develop further into some sort of partnerships.
  2. You have to have something to draw people in. At our table, we had arts and crafts and candy to draw the children.  We had give away “n” grocery bags (environmentally safe) to give out to adults and we had water bottles with the “n” logo on it promoting New Life and the nZone.  When people came by our booth, they were immediately drawn in by our “stuff”.  But stuff alone won’t keep someone there.  That is why you have to have #3.
  3. You have to engage people.  This was probably the most important thing I learned.  You have to engage and interact with people.  We weren’t the only church or business at the Expo.  But we were by far the most active church and one of the most engaging businesses there.  Part of it was what we were offering, but the biggest part was because of the people hosting our booth.  I was by far the least extrovert of our staffers there, but we all stood outside our booth and engaged people as they came by looking at all the booths.  I was really surprised how few booths engaged people as they walked by.  Had we not talked with and interacted with the people walking by, I know that we wouldn’t have been successful telling others about the nZone.
So, this Expo was a great opportunity for New Life to get the word out about what we were doing.  I learned a ton and a lot of people learned about what the nZone was and what so great about New Life Christian Church. With summer fast approaching, I know there has to be something your community offers for you to get the word out about your church. TAKE A MINUTE and scan through the local websites or newspapers to see how you can promote what God is doing at your church to the community.  Then sign up and get the word out.  God will use that as just another way for people to come to know him. GOOD LUCK!]]>

One Reply to “Getting the word out”

  1. Tom, these are really helpful things to consider. but not all of us have such a cool ministry like yours to promote. I am glad that it went well and will be praying for you


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