Married Youth Ministers, Read this Blog

More than Dodgeball” blog (SIDENOTE: His blog is great too). Amanda Maguire is the wife of Jeff Maguire who is on the Youth staff at Saddleback Community Church.  She writes a blog entitled “Married To A Youth Pastor“. The reason why I feel like EVERY married Youth Worker should read this blog is because Amanda gives the perspective of our spouses. And, as it usually is, if she feels this way, you are darn right that our spouses probably feel this way as well.  Her post entitled “It’s all Sooo Funny!…” really made me cringe because I know my wife has felt that way many times before. So, if you are married and a youth minister, TAKE A MINUTE and read some of her posts.  They are often short and very readable.  Read through them and help understand where your spouses and families are coming from.  Remember, in 1 Timothy 5:8 Paul says, “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”  We are called to care for our families.  That means that need to listen and hear from where they are coming from.  Being married to a person in ministry is really, really hard and they make a lot of sacrifices as well.  Because we are called to minister to our families, we need to be there for them and support them at all times. Thoughts?  Post a comment so that we can all benefit.]]>

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