The Monday Morning Debrief: Dealing with Worldwide Panic

here from “The Washington Post”. So how does this apply to ministry? This is a perfect teaching opportunity for you and the families you are ministering to.  For starters, this is a reminder of where/who we put our trust in.  Money, homes, and all other “material” things come and go.  Nothing is ever certain in life except Christ.  Remember He is the one who said He is the way, the Truth and the life (John 14:6) and that he will supply all our needs (Philippians 4:19). Another way talking about these crisises is by addressing fear.  On Thursday, I was watching the market fall from 100 to 200 to 300 t0 400 and then finally to 500 points.  I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing.  And, to to be honest, I got scared about my money…how much was I going to lose with this big drop.  It got me worried about my future and my girls futures.  A perfect Bible study to lead students and families in is when Jesus calms the storms.  He doesn’t prevent storms from coming, but when they do come, He can calm the seas (Mark 4:35-40).  Things may look bleak now, but in the midst of the storms, Christ is there.  We, like the disciples did, have to call to him to help bring calamity to the situation. The reality is we live in uncertain times now – especially with the financial and job markets the way they are right now.  We need to use these opportunities as ways to share Christ with our students and their families.  Where there are storms, Christ calms them.  But it is only through Him that the waters calm.  That is who we need to point people to. What are ways you are working with families through these uncertain times?  TAKE A MINUTE and jot down a comment or 2 about what you are doing to meet families where they are at and point them to Christ.]]>

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