Easter is Over, Now What?

Ever since Christmas was over, Churches and ministers had one thing on their minds. That was Easter. The lead up to Easter was long and hopefully with God’s blessing He did amazing things in your community for His glory. But now it is over. All the work you put into it have been wrapped up. Easter is now in the past.

So, Easter is over, now what? What can you do?

Just because Easter is over doesn't mean God is done working. There are now NEW opportunities for your and your Church to minister to your community with. Click To Tweet

Follow Up with those who attended Easter. Lots of new people came to your Easter services. Take time over the next few days to follow up with them in person or online. There are great ways to text or email follow up with people. However, think creatively, as well. People may ignore a text or email. But maybe sending a small gift in the mail or making a phone call may work better. Determine what is the best way to follow up and who will follow up with the different people that come to your Easter services or who came to an event leading up to Easter.

Evaluate how the Easter season went for your Church. Easter is more than just Easter Sunday. There are lots of other things that go into Easter. Get the people who were directly involved in all the Easter activities and process together what was good, bad, confused or other. The more you can evaluate within the week after Easter the better as it will be fresh in your minds. When you evaluate it gives you the opportunity to improve things next year and not make the same mistakes you made this year.

now whatLook forward to Special Events. There are plenty of special events that Churches can use to help minister and encourage the community. For instance, there is Mother’s Day, Fourth of July, Back to School, Halloween and Thanksgiving. All of these are before Christmas and all provide great opportunities for you and your Church. They don’t have to be elaborate like Easter or Christmas, but there are some special things you can do during each of these big days

Remember Events are More than Just Events. Each Church or ministry does events for different purposes. However, regardless of the intent, it should be more than just doing an event. Making connections is something that should be a priority. You want to make those connections to help people who don’t know Christ or are not involved in Church to get connected. Events are a place where conversations start in hope that they will lead to spiritual conversations. So remember, events are more than just events. They are opportunities for you and your Church.


Now that Easter is over, it is a great time for you and your Church to celebrate what God did over the Easter season. Whether it is a big or little celebration, there is always something great that God did. But, it also provides you an opportunity to reflect and learn from what you did to connect with and meet new people. Evaluate and process all the good and not so good in hopes that the next event you do is a great success and meets the objectives you have. The great news is that there are plenty of events your Church can do in the upcoming months. Learn from Easter and apply those learnings to the future events you do so that more and more people can come to know Christ as their savior.

What do you think? Easter is over, now what? What is your Church doing now? Share your ideas below or on social media.

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