3 Ways to Motivate your Leaders

  Although this is very funny, this video highlights probably the improper way to motivate leaders. So, if this motivational technique doesn’t work, what does?  Here are a few ways I have found that motivate my leaders:

  1. Casting Vision.  When I am able to sit down and talk with leaders (either one on one or as a whole group) and share my heart and vision for their role in the program, that spurs excitement and creates a unity within the group that we are after something greater than what we imagined.
  2. Build a Team Mentality.  This is a community aspect.  Doing ministry together is tough.  But  I have found that the more you give opportunities for your team to be together and play together in a social, non-ministry setting, the stronger your bond will be.  The stronger that bond is, the more you feel apart of a group of people who like and support each other, the more motivated your team will be to succeed and strive towards your ministry goals.
  3. Help them see Victories.  What motivates leaders and keep them in the game longer is to help them see wins and victories.  Too many times leaders will be discouraged by what students aren’t doing and how they aren’t getting it.  What we, as Head Leaders, need to be doing is to help our leaders see how students are being changed and are being impacted by their investment.  Their role is huge!  Sometimes they just can’t see it.  So it is your job to help them see it.
These are just 3 ways that I have used to encourage and motivate my leaders leaders.  What about you?  What are you doing that is different and better than the 3 above?  OR, what should you be doing to motivate them?  I have found that the more motivated your leaders are, the longer they are going to be with you in the game. So right now, TAKE A MINUTE and examine what you you can be doing right now to motivate and encourage your leaders.  Also, post a motivational technique you have used in the past to encourage your leaders. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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