5 Ways to Improve Your Short Form Video Results

Short form video is really valuable content that your Church or ministry can use. TikTok started the wave but Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts have caught on quickly and all three platforms are great platforms for you to put your short form videos on. In fact, I regularly post the same content on each platform. Having good short form videos on your social media platforms can help lead people to learn more about Christ, your Church and your ministry.

So what can you do to improve your short form video results from good to better to great? In this video, audio or bullet points below, I will share



Hook them early! This is just one of many short form video tips you can implement to improve results. Find out the rest here. Click To Tweet

Here are some ideas for how you can improve your short form video results:

  1. Upload the video natively to each platform. Instagram and YouTube doesn’t want to see the “TikTok” watermark on videos uploaded to Reels or Shorts. In fact, when you upload a video with a “TikTok” watermark onto Reels, Instagram does not like that and will not show it as much.
  2. Add Music. Whether it is TikTok, Reels or Shorts, you can add music to the video. Whether it is background music, the primary sound they here or even completely muted, adding music, especially a trending song, will go a long way to getting heard on the platform.
  3. Hook them Early! Whether it is 3 seconds or 5 seconds, the reality is that people decide whether or not to watch the rest of your video within the first few seconds. Make your first few seconds noteworthy and interesting so they stick around for the rest.
  4. Add a Hashtag, Two or More. Hashtags are so important for organic reach. They can be specific to your content or generic (aka #love or #devotional). By including a hashtag or more, you increase the potential of your video being discovered when someone else is looking a different video.
  5. Cut Up Longer Form Content. You don’t always need to create entirely new content for short form. You can use longer form content and shorten them to a minute to share on the platforms. Make sure you optimize them with steps 1-4, but take a point made in the longer form content and use it for short form.


  • What do you think? What are other ways to improve your short form video results? Share your ideas below or on social media.
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