What I've enjoyed most about being back in Youth Ministry

nZone team.  That all changed 3 weeks ago when the Leadership Team asked me to take over the Youth Program.  I gladly accepted the position and began getting back into the flow of youth ministry again. As I have been working and assessing where our youth program is at, here are a few things I have enjoyed doing: I enjoy leading.  For me, I have really enjoyed making decisions and running with ideas.  Maybe it’s a “control” thing but I like having the ability to decide on a direction and run with it.  I love coming up with ideas and helping people catch the vision for where we are going. I enjoy mingling with students, leaders and parents.  I am an introvert by nature (at least I think I am).  But when I step into the youth ministry ring, I really get energy from being around people and interacting with them.  I love making the middle school guys feel cool, making the shy middle school girl feel welcomed and the high school student feel like they are the best thing ever.  I love making parents feel that their child is safe (even if we are a bit crazy) and I love casting vision to leaders and seeing them do their thing with the students. What do you love doing in Youth Ministry? Sometimes when we are in the midst of battle, we can lose sight of what we really enjoy about doing ministry.  So TAKE A MINUTE right now and think through what you really enjoy.  If you are currently doing what you enjoy, GREAT!  Keep it up.  If you have lost sight of what you love doing, I’m sorry.  Seek the Lord (James 1:5) and examine what do you need to do right now to get back on track and restart doing what you really love to do?  When we lose sight of our passions and drive, frustration sets in and things do not always work out great.  But if we can keep reminding ourselves of why we do what we do and then do it, that keeps us going. Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Experiences?  Post a comment and let the discussion begin so that we can all benefit from it.]]>

One Reply to “What I've enjoyed most about being back in Youth Ministry”

  1. TOM!! I appreciate you…I love your heart for the students and your vision. You are rare Godly gift to the passion God intended for us all to have. I look up to you and appreciate all you are doing for the kingdom. Thank you from my heart for the man you are, the leader you are and more than anything the selfless servant God made you. You are an encourager,leader, and friend. Thank you!

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