Taking Time for YOU

Psalm 23:1-3 (ESV) says, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” The Lord wants to be your shepherd and give you rest (lie down in green pastures…restores your soul).  We need that restoration in ourselves to make it.  And that is one of the things that has changed over the past year for me.  I have started “resting” by doing some things again that I love to do.  I have gone see the Nationals play (as bad as they are), I have gone to coffee shops to process and write, I have gone and hung out with friends late at night, I have worked out and even slept in!!!  I never sleep in.  Doing those things have helped restore my soul. And now, because I have taken care of myself, I have so much more in the tank to give my wife, children and friends.  Funny how that works. So right now, TAKE A MINUTE and think through, what do you need to do to get healthy.  What activity or action do you need to do so that you can be the best YOU, you can be?  Don’t do it for your friends or family.  Do it for YOU first because believe me, your friends and family will benefit from your overall health. Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Experiences?  Post a comment and let the discussion begin so that we can all benefit from it.]]>

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