Orange Week: Why you need to go

  • It’s unlike any other conference.  How many ministry conferences out there attract Senior Pastors, Associate Pastors, Children Ministry, Youth Ministry, Family Ministry people in the same site?  Not many that I know.  This is a great conference where you can bring your whole staff and EVERYONE will get something out of it.
  • You build community.  Let’s face it, with thousands to Children, Youth, Family and Adult ministers in the same area, you are bound to learn something from someone else.  Sure there are seminars and speakers as well (see below), but you actually get a chance to meet up with and learn from others just like you.  It’s a amazing as you meet, talk to and process with others going through a lot of the same things you are dealing with.
  • Learn from lots of experience.  Not only do you get to learn from those around you, but you get to learn from lots of experience.  From the seminars to the speakers at the main sessions, there are a ton of leaders out there who will be a huge encouragement to you. Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner, Sue Miller, Kara Powell and many others!  These people have tons of experience and I’m sure they are going to have great messages for us at Orange ’12.
  • Fun.  Conferences are great to learn new things.  But they are also great to have some fun.  From the break out sessions to the main times to late night fun, Orange has lots of fun things for you to do with your team or others.  Last year there was even a Dave and Busters.  This year anything is possible.
  • A lot of learning and a lot of fun.  You need to sign up for Orange ’12 right now, right here. TAKE A MINUTE right now and share 1 reason why you went to Orange in the past or why you are desiring to go to Orange ’12 this year!  ]]>

    3 Replies to “Orange Week: Why you need to go”

    1. I'm excited about learning more and more how all the family ministries in the church can work together in an integrated strategy. I've been a lone wolf youth pastor for far too long!

      1. Hey Orangedad, we definitely have to connect at Orange. I've been there, done that (lone wolf) and am back at it again so we probably have lots to talk about…also, love your blog!

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