Monday Morning Debrief: Super Bowl Revisited

  • Did you do a Super Bowl Party?  If not, why not?
  • If you did do a Super Bowl Party, how did it go?  Did it go as planned?  Why or why not?
  • If you did a party, what adjustments do you need to make for next year so that it can be better?
  • I have blogged about this before, but the Super Bowl Party is one of the biggest outreach events I do each year.  And this year was no different.  It was my 1st year doing a Super Bowl party at New Life and we had a BLAST doing it.  In fact, here is part of our “Halftime Show”. [youtube][/youtube] Super Bowl Parties are one event that you can knock out of the park and reach students for Christ.  But it isn’t the only one.  There are other big opportunities throughout the year to reach out to the students in a significant way. With that in mind, TAKE A MINUTE right now and think through the next few months of your ministry calendar.  What are those events and how are you going to use them to reach students?  Don’t settle for “just” doing a Super Bowl Party or “just” doing a Bowling night.  Make it unique and memorable in a way students will be saying, “Wow, I can’t believe they just did that.  I’m going back!” Thoughts, comments, questions, suggestions?  Post some ideas or your Super Bowl experiences with the group so we can all take notes and benefit.]]>

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