Here is what I'm hitting up today at OC '12

  • Thursday Morning General Session.  After last night, I’m really excited to see what they have in store for us today.  I have no idea who the speaker is but, I’m pretty stoked.
  • Leading a Special Needs Inclusion Initiative.  I’m really excited about this one because we have children and youth with special needs in our church and I am hoping to find ways to include and incorporated them better into what we are doing in the family ministry.
  • 5th and 6th Grade Transition.  This is a growing segment in family ministry right now and I want to learn as much as I can about this age group and what it means to put an emphasis on them.  Growing this ministry will also grow our youth ministry which will help grow the church so focusing on them and making them a priority is going to be a big deal for me.  I can’t wait to go to this breakout.
  • There is also 1 other one I’m trying to get into as I had to change my schedule but I’m not sure what it will be at this moment.  I’ll post notes on whatever one that will be when I go to it. Happy Orange!]]>

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