the Monday Morning Debrief: Quit Overdoing

The posting goes on to say that there is so much Android compared to just 2 Apple products.  To some people that may seem like a good thing for Android. But this article goes on the point out that in order for you, a developer, to get your Android based app out, you have to test it against some 400 based devices because every device runs a slightly different version of Android.  That is compared to just 2 iOS devices in the iPhone and iPad.  The concluding statement was that they support iOS because it is “A little simpler, if you ask us.” So what?  So how does this relate to ministry at all? Simple really…Simplify your life.  Simplify your ministry.  Android is all over the place but it is fragmented.  There is so much that the product it is hard for programmers to develop for them because each product is just a little different.  On the other hand, it is easy for programmers to develop of Apple since there are only 2 main devices. In our lives and ministry we can dilute our time with unnecessary things and programs. We do this thing and that program and we have made ourselves so busy because we believe that the more busy we are the more production we are having.  But the reality is that sometimes we do, do, do and then forget why we actually do certain things.  It had a purpose early on, but maybe now that purpose is no longer relevant or valid.  All these “things” do is clutter our life with more and more unnecessary stuff. So my encouragement for all of us today is to TAKE A MINUTE and think through what we are doing (both in our personal lives and our ministry).  Is something you need to cut out?  If so, what do you need to eliminate, not to make your life “easier” but to simplify it so you stay focused on the main things in life and ministry? Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Experiences?  Post a comment and let the discussion begin so that we can all benefit from it.]]>

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