Most Useful Piece of Technology

Ok admit it. Really, it’s ok. Even if you aren’t an Apple Fanboy, you were watching the iPhone 5 announcement with excitement, curiosity and maybe even a little bit of glee as you were debating whether or not to upgrade your current phone. Seriously, it is ok…I did. With the iPhone 5 announcement, iPod update and the much speculated “iPad Mini” release, it made me think of 2 things:

  1. My love of Apple products (I’m not afraid to admit it)
  2. How much I rely on technology for ministry.
Technology has become so vital to how we do ministry so I thought it would be fun to see which piece of technology do we rely on the most and why. For me, it’s the iPhone. Why? It’s because I can store and play music and videos on it for youth activities. I also rely on the Maps feature for directions for youth trips. In addition, all the social media apps I use (I’m currently writing this blog on my iPhone app), makes for a great way to connect to students and leaders. I could go on and on about the many uses of my iPhone but I want to hear from you. So right now, TAKE A MINUTE and share your most favorite, useful piece of technology you use for ministry.  Whether it’s the iPhone, iPad, Android phone, projector, Wii (did you hear about the new Wii U out in soon?) or some other product, share your thoughts and post why.]]>

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