Getting rid of Sacred Cows

two women to become members of their country club.  Why is that such a big deal?  Because these were the 1st 2 women ever selected for membership in its entire 79 years of existence. Augusta prided itself on tradition and standards and despite calls for women to be included in membership for years before this, they finally admitted these two women.  Their standards are sacred cows.  Heaven forbid, they change those standards.  Everyone else makes changes, but not Augusta (now say that with a  Yosemite Sam, southern accent). Well, in the same way, we have sacred cows.  We have those “things” that we HAVE to have.  Maybe it’s a program, a song that you play for worship or even a retreat that you ALWAYS go on.  Whatever it is, it probably was epic and great…a long time ago.  It probably helped a lot of students committed the lives to Christ because of it, but right now it is just something that you do.  It has become so sacred that people don’t even know why you do that any more, they just know that “that” is what you do. So, it’s time to Gallagher those sacred cows and get rid of them.  Get something fresh in there.  Why?  Because ministry changes and evolves.   If you are doing the same Tom, Dick and Harry routine group after group, week after week, year after year, then the sacred cow becomes what your ministry is about and NOT reaching students for Christ. Will leaders, parents or students be upset that you got rid of the sacred cow?  YOU BET they will but ultimately you need to be most concerned about what is best for the students and your program…not what people are going to be bent out of shape about if/when you get rid of their favorite “cow”.  But, make sure you have a good reason to get rid of it.  It will cause even more stress if you don’t have a good reason for doing it. So right now, TAKE A MINUTE and think through your ministry.  Do you have any sacred cows that you have to do away with?  If so, devise a plan to get rid of them in an honorable way…but get rid of them. Thoughts?  Comments?  Experiences?  Share some so that we can all benefit and learn from them.  ]]>

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