4 Things Churches Can Learn from Stranger Things Season 4

This past week marked the season finale of Stranger Things Season 4. Don’t worry, there will be no spoilers here if you haven’t watched it yet, but merely observations as the finale comes out today.

Season 4 came three years after season 3 concluded. It was highly anticipated as it took a little longer to release. So, what makes this show so popular? What do they do so well that stands out from the rest of the streaming shows. Here are a few observations.

1. They took time to get it right. While other streaming platforms dropped a lot of shows during the pandemic, Stranger Things waited threes years before releasing this new season. Sure, covid was an issue, but there were a lot of other shows that didn’t have a problem with this. Ultimately there were many factors that went into why the delay happened, but some of them were creative and storytelling logistics. They had a lot they needed and wanted to do, and it took time to get it done right. While it may have taken longer to complete, the reality is that the show didn’t miss a beat. Stranger Things is all what people are talking about, setting the streaming record with over 7 billion minutes of view time the week it was released.

2. Old is new. The hit song from this season is Kate Bush’s “Running up that Hill“. It was originally released in 1985. Many adults today who grew up in the 80s most likely never heard of the song back then. It reached number three on the UK Singles Chart and number 30 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States. Now, in 2022, it’s the most streamed song today, breaking world records, all because of this show. The Righteous Brothers had similar success with their song “You’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feeling”. Originally released in 1965, it was a hit again in 1985’s “Top Gun” movie.

Stranger Things Season 43. Storytelling is so important. After three seasons you might think that this story gets old and is a little tired. However, every season introduces new characters and new storylines. It shows that the writers and creators of the show have clearly have thought through and planned out what they are doing and where they are going with the show.

4. Character development is key to the success. People LOVE the main and supporting characters of the show. In fact, leading up to the finale of season 4 one of the common posts on social media were posts such as “I hope ____ doesn’t die”. The viewers truly care about the characters and are invested in them. It goes, in large part, to the writing, but it also are the actors and actresses themselves. There has been a true connection between the characters and the fans.

Stranger Things is one of the most popular shows on television as it does a lot of things well. Here are 4 things Church can learn from Season 4 of Stranger Things. Click To Tweet

So how does this apply to ministry? Here are a few applications:

  1. Make sure you get it right. Just because this Church or ministry is doing this or that, doesn’t mean you have to do that. And it doesn’t mean that you have to rush up your time frame to complete something if it isn’t excellent. It’s much better that you do something right than rush it just because you have a deadline. Don’t sacrifice excellence.
  2. Something old can still be effective. Just because it is old doesn’t mean that it has lost its worth or value. An old program, event or activity can still be effective, maybe in just a different context or environment. Before you get rid of something old, think through the different possibilities of how it could be effective. In addition, if there was something old that you stopped doing, maybe discuss what it would look like for you to bring back that activity, environment or discipleship method. Is there value to bringing it back? If so, how? Something old can be resurrected and used again in the right situation.
  3. How we communicate matters. Share the gospel in a compelling way. Jim Rayburn, founder of Young Life, once said, “It’s a sin to bore kids with the gospel”. In the same way, it’s a sin to bore anyone with Christ, the stories of the Bible and God’s Truth. We need to communicate with people in and outside the Church in a way that connects with others. Share them in compelling ways. It matters.
  4. Share compelling stories. The Church and the Bible have compelling stories. The people in the Bible need to have their stories shared in compelling ways, too. They were not boring people. They lived a life of adventure and they were regular people. They are people today’s people can connect with. Share those stories in a way that will connect with people today.
Stranger Things is more than just monsters and 80s culture. It connects with young and old generations and can help Churches reach more people for Christ. See how. Click To Tweet


Stranger Things Season 4 was one of the most talked about shows of the year and it did not disappoint. From amazing storytelling to great character development to the music selection that provided a powerful backdrop to the show, it was great. While some ministers and Churches will look at this show and think negative thoughts for it, as a lot of things that go against Christian beliefs in this show, hopefully Churches can look at a show like this and take some valuable lessons from it. After all, what Stranger Things did worked, It was more than just about monsters and 80s culture. It was about so much more that connected younger and older generations together. The more ministry leaders and Churches can step outside the bubble and learn from other things about what is working and what is effective, the more likely more people can have the opportunity to hear about the love and life transformation of Christ.

Did you see Stranger Things Season 4? What did you think? What else can Churches learn from this show? Share your ideas below or on social media.

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