Evaluating the Fall Semester

  • Worship Team was developed and got more students involved in ministry.
  • Tech Team began to be assembled (We had 2 students start helping out and there is indications that more on the horizon)
  • Theme Nights.  Our most attended nights throughout the semester were our Theme nights like “Hallo-tober Fest”.  Something new, something different and out students seemed to really like that.  We’ll do more of that in the winter and spring.
  • Formation of a Middle School Home Group.
  • Where we missed the mark:
    • Although we continued to develop community in the group, there is still work that needs to get done at helping students feel more comfortable around each other.
    • Attendance on Sunday Night Big Group was small than I was expecting
    • Still in need of female leaders to help out.  We have to be more aggressive about recruiting, training and developing leaders if we are going to be able to reach more students.
    • Creation vs. Evolution Class was a good start but not nearly as good as I was hoping
    So what about you?  What good things that happened this fall for you and where did you miss the mark?  Furthermore, what adjustments are you planning on making this coming semester?  TAKE A MINUTE right now and process through the above questions so that you can continue to make the good things happen and you don’t miss the mark as much. Thoughts?  Comments?  Experiences?  Share them below so that we can all benefit from them.]]>

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