Introducing your Student Ministry Minor League Team

The point is that every Church’s Student Ministry has a Farm Team.  That Farm Team is the Children’s Ministry.  That’s right, and I believe that if you want your student ministry to grow and be healthy, you HAVE to invest in your children’s ministry program. But Tom, I don’t have enough time in the day to invest in my own ministry, how can I help someone else’s program?  Very easy, you MAKE time.  Because those K-5th graders are your future AND the more comfortable they are with you as an elementary aged student, the easier it is going to be for them to move into your program when they get into middle school. I have been working with the Children’s Ministry ever since I came on staff at New Life over 2.5 years ago and I have built some very solid relationships with the elementary students to where the 5th graders are nipping at the bud to join our student ministry.  They are excited to join and honestly, that was not there at New Life before I started. I have also been investing time at my daughters elementary school (which is just a few miles away from New Life).  That, too, is a great breeding ground to new relationships and a comfortability rising middle and high schoolers (and their parents) have towards our student ministry.  The more “face-time” I can get with elementary aged students the better for me because the student ministry at New Life will eventually be reaping the benefits of that extra time and effort. So, is it more work?  YES!  But I would be thoroughly surprised if every Student Minister didn’t see tremendous fruit from the extra effort. Thoughts?  Experiences?  Post a comment so that we can all learn from each other and benefit. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]  ]]>

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