New Life and the nZone, our goal is to help people discover God. All of us are striving to reach that goal. Sometimes it works in perfect symmetry where everything falls right into place and everyone is happy as the stars align just right.
But sometimes, there are challenges. Sometimes there are conflicting interests and although both team members are striving for the same goal, conflict on how to do that best and with what resources. That is where sacrifice comes in; sacrifice for the greater good. For example, that means that sometimes, you might have to move out of your “youth group room” so that another team member could use it for a special event they are doing. That might mean that you have to change your schedule to accommodate another team member and their schedule. That could mean countless other things. But what I’m trying to get to is that when you chose to work on a team working in a unified vision, conflict and challenges will arise. It is how you address those challenges and adapt that will keep your vision and goals lined up just right.
Just last week, our student ministry had to adapt for the greater good of our church mission. It was a challenge and honestly a little frustrating at times. But, our church’s mission is to help people discover God and the other event happening had a unique opportunity to help people discover God so the student ministry adapted. Our volunteer leaders were great as they rallied around our ultimate mission and pulled off a great night for our students. We made a lot of changes that night, but NO student knew any different. And, truthfully, we discovered something that night that I think will be very beneficial to the health and growth of our youth program. All in all, it was a huge win for the other team member on Staff and for our student ministry.
So what about you? What kind of mentality do you have in your ministry? Are you a team member working towards the unified goal that everyone else is striving for or are you Han Solo working for your own benefit only? I believe when we have the team mentality and work together in unison for the ultimate good of our church or ministry’s mission, great things will happen and a unity will develop that will bond you all together for Kingdom work.
Thoughts? Experiences? Post a comment so that we can all benefit and learn from each other.]]>