the Monday Morning Debrief: Dealing with Social Media Hack

imagesHave you ever had one of your social media accounts hacked?  I have…yesterday in fact.  Well, it wasn’t quite “hacked” as my Facebook account was left logged on while I was at church (my computer was in my office).  Two students thought it would be fun if they changed my profile picture to a piece of poop in a toilet.  Then, they tagged a few others and posted it.  I didn’t even notice it until I got a few texts and my Facebook messenger went off with a person who said they were offended by my pic and asked me to take it down.  Thank goodness for their very rude message to me. 🙂 So, I was hacked and although I changed it quickly I was really mad.  In fact, I was livid and confronted the student immediately (it was pretty obvious who the primary offender was).  I told him that it was completely inappropriate for him to do that and that I was going to tell his parents about it.  That scared the living daylights out of him and he apologized left and right.  Now, I ended up not telling his students but about an hour after the incident I went and processed it with him, letting him know I still liked him but, as I do with my girls, processed through why what he did was wrong. Can’t I take a joke? Why was it wrong?  Yes, I can take a joke, but considering I am a Pastor, people look at me and my actions differently than others. So whether or not, it was funny or not, having something like this posted on my Facebook wall and as my profile picture crossed the line in my eyes. But maybe I was wrong.  Have you ever had this happen to you?  What did you do?  If this hasn’t happened to you, how would you have responded and done?  Post your thoughts or experiences so that we can all benefit and learn from each other.  After all, I’m sure I haven’t been the only one]]>

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