Orange '13: "Managing Volunteers so They Thrive" Notes

1. Plan the Plan; work the Plan

  • Sometimes we are great at planning but not so good at working it.
  • We have to figure out how serving with you benefits the leader.  We need to help them see the benefit of their time.  Build relationships with them.
  • Do the Process of recruiting them well.  Communicate regularly and make it a priority.
  • Pay attention to how they are wired.  Place them were they excel.
2. Task vs. Family
  • Task ALWAYS gets trumped by family.
  • Leaders need a sense of belonging.
  • Community is essential.
  • Decide to value, respect, include and appreciate each volunteer.  YOU are their biggest cheerleader!
  • Resolve conflict.  Be available.
3. Make it a Faith adventure
  • Keep improving things to accomplish the mission.
  • Manage change well.  Inform and communicate.  Keep them informed always!
  • Tell lots of God stories.  Life up your volunteers
4. Who is next, what’s next
  • How are you replacing yourself?
  • Empowering others leads to more owners

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