the Monday Morning Debrief: Overcoming Dark Times

th-1This past week the latest Star Trek movie came out, “Star Trek Into Darkness”.  Now, growing up in the ’70s and ’80s with a father who loved Star Trek, I’ve been exposed to my fair share of Star Trek movies.  Actually, I’ve been exposed to probably too much Star Trek over the years.  None-the-less, I’ve enjoyed them and I’m really looking forward to seeing this new one, despite the mixed reviews of it. Even though I have enjoyed watching most of the Star Trek movies and shows, there have been some pretty dark moments in the Star Trek history.  Despite what the Trekkies will say, it hasn’t always been sunshine, lollipops and rainbows for this TV and movie franchise.  In fact, this site outlines a few of their “darkest” times.  Despite these dark moments, Star Trek was able to make a great comeback with the reboot of “Star Trek” by J.J. Abrams in 2009.  And now, with the latest film, Star Trek seems well on its way for another successful run of movies and new fans. So how does this apply to ministry? In ministry (and life) there are plenty of great times that we celebrate.  The development of a new leader, a life change of a student and families reconnecting are just some of the joys we get to rejoice in.  But, unfortunately, there are also some dark moments.  The moment a life is lost, a student turns away from Christ, or a family is devastated by divorce are just some of the dark times we encounter as youth leaders.  String enough of those bad times together and it can cripple you and your ministry because of the emotional toll and strain it can put on you and others. What do you do when that happens? When these things happen, we have to simply FOCUS ON GOD all the more.  I know, I know that it seems like a simple, typical church cop out answer.  But it really isn’t.  Believe me, I’ve dealt with my fair share over 15 years of full-time ministry.  Because in all honesty, the dark moments we encounter are out of our control.  We can preach the best message, invest countless hours in a student or do counseling with parents, but the reality is we don’t and can’t control what happens to these students and families the moment they walk out that door to go back out into the world.  We can only cry out to God, pray for them and seek His answers during those dark times. I’ve printed this before, but in these dark moments, the C.S. Lewis quote from his book, “Mere Christianity” always comes to mind.  In it he says, “God is forcing him on, or up, to a higher level: putting him into situations where he will have to be very much braver, or more patient, or more loving, than he ever dreamed of being before. It seems to us all unnecessary: but that is because we have not yet had the slightest notion of the tremendous thing He means to make of us.” We can rest assure that dark times are going to happen.  We will encounter plenty of bad times.  But the reality is that God is going to use these dark moments to make you into the person he desires you and your ministry to be AND THAT is far better than who we ever believe we can be.  I know we would love for us to go through life without any struggles, but that isn’t how life goes and God never promised us that.  However, if we approach those times and trust Him, focus on Him and let Him use these dark moments, I firmly believe and am already beginning to see in my life, one day He will get the glory and people will be drawn to Him. What do you think? How have you overcome dark times in your life and/or ministry? Share your thoughts below or social media using #ymsidekick when you post.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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