6 Twitter Tips and Tools for Digital Missionaries

While companies like TikTok, Facebook and Instagram get a lot of the social media love, Twitter is still a social media platform that is perfect for Digital Missionaries. Because of all the opportunities there are to minister on Twitter, Digital Missionaries need to know how to fully utilize the platform to get the best engagement and interaction.

So what do Digital Missionaries need to know to be effective on Twitter? Watch this video, listen to the audio or check out the 6 Twitter tips and tools below to find out.

Even thought it has its flaws, there is a lot right about Twitter for Digital Missionaries. In order to be successful as a Digital Missionary, here are a few tips to implement and tools to use. Click To Tweet

Utilize Search Twitter. Hashtags are always great and can be really useful about what people are talking about in your area. However, the “Search Twitter” area is just as important. The Search Twitter function is a great way to see what’s trending and what has people talking about.

Follow People and Comment. In order to start building friendship, you have to be social and engage with other people. Find people who interest you, start following them and commenting on their posts. It’s always great to connect with others on Twitter, both with people you know and don’t know yet. Plus, the more you can begin relationships with others on Twitter, the more likely you can have spiritual conventions with people who don’t know Christ. Or, who are looking to grow in their faith. Follow and comment on people’s posts and see where God leads you.

Schedule Tweets on Desktop. Scheduling in real time is important and ideal on Twitter. However, sometimes there are things you want to get out at a certain time and you may not be able to tweet. That is why the “scheduled tweet” option on the desktop version of Twitter is idea.

Be Positive, Don’t Stir Up Controversy. If you are looking to share about Christ, people are more receptive and open to spiritual conversations if you are loving and caring, not negative and storing up controversy. There are enough angry people on Twitter, Pastors and Believers should not be one of them. It ruins your witness.

Share Jesus. There are a variety of ways you can do this beyond just being nice. You can share Bible verse, do short video devotionals, ask questions like “how can I pray for you” or even comment on posts that you are praying for them. There are a variety of ways you can share about Jesus, including doing a Twitter Space Bible Study (here are 3 tips on how to do that).

Ignore the Trolls. The one thing you can expect on Twitter is that there will be Trolls. No matter how much you are positive and try to avoid controversy, you will encounter them. You can chose to respond to them in a variety of ways, some good and some bad.

These are 6 Twitter tips and tools for digital missionaries, but there are definitely more. For example, here are some best practices for believers on Twitter that you can check out. It is a conversation Rey De Armas and I had. Twitter can be an amazing opportunity for you to connect with others while you shine the light of Christ in a world that can be very toxic. Ask God to guide you each day and see what can impact you can have on Twitter for the kingdom of Heaven.


  • What do you think? What are other Twitter tips and tools Digital missionaries can use? Share below or on social media.
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