BLACKBOARD: What are you doing for your kick-off gathering?

  • Made it a theme party…Luau.
  • Including parents in the beginning in order to get them more information on what we are doing for the fall
  • Less focus on worship and a message and more focused on “what’s ahead” and how students can play a part.  We’ll have a music and scriptural component, it is just going to look different than in the past.
  • The fall is a great opportunity to give a new first impression.  We see that every year when TV shows have their season premiers.  There is always something new that happens or makes it different from the last season.  Just like in TV shows, if all you and your ministry does is the same as you’ve always done (even if it is good and successful), it keeps things the way is always was…nothing new or different, which could cause an element of staleness to your ministry.  Different is good as long as it doesn’t compromise your core values and beliefs. So again, I’m curious, what are you planning on doing for your kick-off party?  Anything new or different?  If so, TAKE A MINUTE and share it so that it might spur on ideas for those of us who haven’t had our Kick-off gatherings yet.]]>

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