Labor Day Dos and Don'ts

  • Do Sleep In or Take a nap….Don’t wake up early
  • Do hang out with your friends and family….Don’t hang out with students
  • Do call your friends or family…Don’t call students or staffers
  • Do a BBQ with your friends or family…Don’t do anything with students
  • Do watch a football or baseball game…Don’t do any work
  • Do a run or go outside and hangout…Don’t check your email
  • Do plan your next vacation or getaway…Don’t plan a youth group event
  • Some of these may sound harsh on what NOT to do but I hope you get the point that Labor Day is a National Holiday and should be a day of rest for your work.  So please, take some time of and do the “DOs” and avoid the “DON’Ts”. Have a great day off! [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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