the BLACKBOARD: Technology we love to use

  • iPad (or other tablet) is useful for checking students into youth night.  You can link it to CCB or some other Church Database System.  It’s also good to put my messages on so I don’t have to hold pieces of paper for notes.  It’s cooler to hold an iPad
  • AppleTV is great for streaming Netflix, YouTube, movies or music on TVs.  This is particularly useful if you don’t have a projector but have a TV.
  • Planning Center Online.  It’s a great tool to use and according to the Planning Center website it allows you to, “schedule your teams, manage your music, and revolutionize the way you plan your worship services”.  It comes at a price, but you can
  • Those are 3 pieces of technology I have used in the past and will continue to use.  What about you?  What pieces of technology have you found particularly useful?  Share them so we can all benefit.]]>

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