The Monday Morning Debrief – 10/11

  • What is something you have learned this past week (either personally, ministry wise or through your devotions)?  How are you going to put that into practice this week?
  • What did you learn this past week in your time with the Lord?  How are you going to apply it to your life?  Take a minute and process that and how you can apply it.
  • Was there something that happened this past week that you need to follow up on?  It could be a comment a student, parent, or leader made or a thing they did.   If so, take a minute right now and figure out how you are going to follow up appropriately.
  • Scan over your Youth Roster and identify 2-3 students who you haven’t seen in a while.  Take a minute and text, call or Facebook them letting them know that they have been missed.  See if there is a time you can meet up with them sometime this week.
  • Parents can be just as important to follow up and connect with as much as students (especially in middle school ministry).  After all they are a key decision maker in whether or not their children come to your events.  Identify 2-3 parents that you can connect with in the upcoming weeks.  During these times that you do contact work with the parents, share your heart and your vision for the youth.  Also probe them for what they would like to see happen in the youth program.  Not that you have to do everything they suggest, but it shows them that you care about their opinion and want to hear from them.
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