Refining Environments: Students Seminar Notes

The Prelude (setting the tone for the experience):

  • This communicates that we thought about students before they go there
  • Every student comes to group with some sort of wall/barriers up
  • It is our job to remove those walls…that is why the prelude is huge
  • Is your social media presence current?  Moms check Facebook, Students check Instagram
  • When students arrive, do they know where they are going, what to do?
  • Every leader should be connecting with students making them feel accepted
  • Music should be playing in the background when students arrive…not too loud, but not too softly either
  • Get outside opinion…this ties in to a post I did a few weeks ago
  • Do volunteers know what they are doing and what the goal for the night is?  Do they know their roles?
  • Keep reminding leaders why they do what they do.
Social (providing time for fun and interaction):
  • Shared moments and common memories create connection
  • Question: how do you create these moments?
  • Have fun where there is an element of connection with others
Transitions (moving smoothly from one thing to another):
  • Think through how you will transition from 1 thing to another
  • Videos can help with transitions
  • Well done ones give momentum to the night, bad ones kill momentum
Worship (inviting people to respond to God):
  • Its more about understanding your students than understanding God
  • Look at who they are and where they are at with Christ when deciding what songs to play
  • Help worship leaders know what they are going to say/sing
  • Are the songs you are singing easy to engage?
  • What are other types of worship you can do?
  • Only do worship when you can do it well
Story (communicate God’s Truth in engaging ways):
  • the Communicator’s primary goal is to invite the students int a discussion, not a into a decision
  • Communicators need to warm up the group for a discussion
  • You don’t have to resolve anything, send them off to small groups
  • 80% of a good talk is preparation
  • 3 reasons to tell the story…1. so they can see something, 2. so they can care for something ,3. so they can hope for something
  • Its not a goal to have the students like you, the Communicator
  • Mix it up a little…video communication is ok
Group (create a safe place to connect):
  • Where the message takes root or grow wings (inspires students to do something)
  • Plan ahead
  • Small Group leaders are pastors and processors
  • Refine your small group questions
Home (prompting action int he home and community):
  • What you do once a week will have more impact if it is repeated during the week
  • Leverage influence at the home
By not refining your environment, you are missing an opportunity to make an influence  ]]>

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