Win the Day

win the day. Similar to AA’s “One day at a time” motto, I took on this “win the day” motto a few years ago during my separation from my now ex-wife.  To save my marriage, I had to win the day…everyday.  Whatever the circumstances were, my job was to simply win the day according to the situation.  What would it take to win that day…not win forever, but win that day.  If, at the end of the day, my positives outweighed my negatives, I won and moved on to the next day  (side note: I didn’t win my marriage back as that was out of my control, but I did win the days and God revealed so much to me over the course of that time that I am forever grateful). What do you need to win at?  Maybe it is a personal relationship matter that is going south real quick like your marriage.  Maybe it is a tough work environment or a problem with a leader.  Maybe it is some other personal matter that is troubling you and causing stress. What does it look like to win at the end of the day?  Each person’s win will look different so don’t overthink, just focus on the win. As God told Joshua before he entered in the promise land as the new leader of Israel, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9). May God be with you and guide you as you seek to win the day.]]>

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