the Monday Morning Debrief: Rising up Women and Minorities

article/discussion from Yahoo! Finance about the lack of women and minorities being represented in Boards of major Tech companies (and companies in general).  It was really fascinating as it talked about how about 49 percent of publicly traded information technology businesses have no women on their boards.  Considering how much progress women have made in the past 50-75 years, this came as a little shocking to me. So what does the lack of women and minorities on cooperate boards have to do with ministry? It made me wonder, how many women and minority leaders are we raising up in my Student Ministry.  Young Life has a great saying as it tries to reach students for Christ when it says, “every kid”.  That means they are out to reach every student for Christ.  I think we all, as Student Ministers, have that same mentality but the reality is are we really after every student?  In particular, are we raising up women and minorities into positions of leadership? I don’t have the answer for your group, but I think processing the question is important.  What are you doing to raise up women and minorities into positions of leadership? Thoughts? Experiences?  Post a comment below so we can all benefit.]]>

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