the Monday Morning Debrief: Duplicating Stuff

his youtube channel has provided a wealth of great ideas for my and my ministry team.  His Miley Cyrus video and hashtag videos have been viral hits and have caused us to really look how we can do something similar But one of Jimmy’s videos is something we just tried last week.  It was his Lip Sync competition.  Considering how funny these videos were, we decided to take this and do something similar with our group.  So I enlisted another volunteer leader and a student to help me do this.  The three of us took 2 songs each and then concluded with this one below. [youtube][/youtube] It was an overall success. Over the course of my ministry I’ve never been a huge fan of taking what “culture” does and emulate it for “youth group”.  I just think we too often duplicate things that don’t need to be done.  However, as I’ve aged and have seen how smart these guys are who have a ton of funny people working for them to create funny things, I’ve come to realize that there are some things worth duplicating.  I have seen that when done right, it can be a huge win as the students will laugh and possibly have walls broken down as they may think that these “christian guys are pretty fun” and may want to check out more of what you all have happening.  That could lead them into a relationship with Christ, which would be a huge win for everyone. So what do you think?  Has there been something that you have seen in a movie, tv show or somewhere else that you’ve duplicated and have seen positive results from?  TAKE A MINUTE and share it so that we can all learn from it and maybe even try it out in our group.]]>

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