Chowtime – 12/6

Stat to Chew on…Teens are increasingly choosing organic food options, with 42% eating organics versus just 33% two years ago (source: Piper Jaffray Completes 25th Semi-Annual “Taking Stock with Teens” Market Research Project) Quote to Digest…”Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the  middle of difficulty lies opportunities” – Albert Einstein Student Ministry Blogs to bite into

  • Ben Kerns shared what he was doing with his Student Ministry over Christmas
  • Stephanie Martin provides a great update and discussion starter to do with teens regarding the “Knockout Game”
  • Are you doing Background Checks on your staff and volunteers.  Ryan Reed posts about why you should
  • Josh Griffin talks about 3 core values to leading Volunteer Leader Meetings and offers 4 other tips as well
Are there other stats, quotes or blogs that you chewed on this week?  If so, share them so we can learn and benefit from each other.]]>

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