ORANGE SPRING BLOGGER WEEK '14: What to Expect from OC '14

Im-OrangeEvery year that I have gone to the Orange Conference, I am so glad I went.  I know there are plenty of really good conferences out there every year that you can go to.  But every year I leave the Orange Conference inspired to do my ministry better.  Here is why:

  • They have a lot of fun at each session and at night.  Whether it is as a volunteer or a paid staffer, being in ministry can be really challenging and exhausting.  And, when you go to conferences you can get so much great information, it can be just and information overload.  That is why having fun at the Orange Conference is a nice relief and energy rejuvenator.
  • They inspire you to think differently.  Each year the theme is well thought out and designed to motivate and inspire you.  Whether it is the main theme or the workshops, they have a lot of great thoughts and strategies that are being tried in various places that make you think, “I never thought about that before”.
  • They bring in top speakers to share…but also average Joes too.  Every big name conference has a few big named stars and they are good to hear from.  But what I really enjoy about the Orange Conference is that I get to hear from field workers who are living the ministry life currently and who are trying new strategies to help more people come to know Jesus.
The Orange Conference is just a few months away now!  Sign up today so you don’t miss out on this tremendous opportunity to have some fun, learn and be challenged in a way unlike any other.  You can click here for the details and to sign up. Oh and PS…”like” YM Sidekick on Facebook here and “follow” me on Twitter here for regular updates.]]>

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