the Sardines Throwback Thursday

sardines-games-photo-420-FF0803ALMDA08I remember being a young middle school youth leader and having to answer to tons of middle school students each week BEGGING to play Sardines. Remember Sardines?  The game where 1 person hides and the rest have to find him/her?  Then when you found the hider, you join him/her you job was to cram in like a can of Sardines and hide as well until the last person finds you.  My group had the most fun with this game when we turned out all the lights and played in the dark. What has replaced Sardines as a favorite game?  Well, just about anything actually.  With changing times, playing a simple hide-and-seek type game has become too plain for teens now-a-days.  Every now-and-then it is good to break it out to play, but normally I’ve seen teens disinterested. Do you remember Sardines?  What is your favorite throwback story about playing? If you still play it, are there any variations that spice it up for the 21st century teenager?  ]]>

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