the Social Sidekick: Making your viral video

nZone Rave, we decided to make a video that we hoped would go viral and grab a lot of attention amongst the students. Here is the video we made. [youtube][/youtube] Sometimes when I have wanted to make a video, I have thought that it was too hard.  I’d need the right video guy who knows all the stuff to make videos great.  And, as luck would have it, I was never able to find that video guy.  That meant we never really made a lot of videos…at least quality ones. But that changed when 4 of us, no video professionals, got together to film this video. What do you need?

  1. An iPhone and Flip Camera.  That’s exactly what we used. Either will work well, but if you have a flip camera, that seems to work even better.
  2. People to film.  This could be anyone.  By now, most of us are good at taking pictures and videos on our phones.  So this shouldn’t be too new to anyone.
  3. Video Editor.  You don’t have to have THE premier video editing tool to put together a video.  In fact, here are 5 Free Video Editing Apps for your smartphones and 9 software programs you can download to your computer to edit videos. You can add music or other special effects with these which will only make your video better.
  4. YouTube.  Once you are done editing your video, upload it to YouTube.  There you can tag certain categories and promote it with keywords to get it out.  Then, once it’s up, you can post it all over the various social media platforms like Twitter, Google + and Facebook.
That’s what we did and we used it to spread the word in a creative way about our Rave.  Did it get as many hits as we wanted, no, but that was because we failed to promote and “share” it effectively.  But, we produced something quality by ourselves…something I didn’t think we could do.  And the great news is that you can too!  Just give it a shot! Have you ever tried to produce your own viral video?  How did it go?  What software or apps did you do to make it?  Share your thoughts and experiences so we can all learn and benefit.]]>

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