New Life. It was a quick conversation, lasting probably 5 minutes in which it kind of ended abruptly. So, I didn’t think much about it. It was just a conversation around the table at a team meal.
However, a few months later, I found out that this wasn’t just a regular conversation around the dinner table at a team meal.
At the State tournament, around a different table at a different team dinner, one of the parents told me that based on that May conversation, she told her friend from New York about our church and the online services she was doing. She went on to say that her New York friend has been watching online regularly and how our current marriage series has been so helpful for her!
I was blown away! I couldn’t believe what a simple conversation at a dinner led too.
As awesome as this realization was to me, it was also a great reminder that conversations I have matter. In fact, conversations we all have matter as we have no idea what God intends to do with them. I had no idea that this parent had a friend in New York looking for a connection with a Church. But God used it.
[Tweet “God can use our converations in ways we cannot even imagine.”]
Ministers constantly hear this, but it applies to Christians all over…we are always on. People are always looking at us differently, wondering if our faith is authentic or not. That is why our actions and words mean so much…even when we don’t think the deed or conversation was impactful. God can use it and will use it for His glory.
So, when you are out and about, doing this or that or having simple conversations with people, remember that God can and will use what you say and do.
What do you think? Have you seen this to be true in your life? How so? Share below so we can all learn and benefit.