What do you do when it's Crunch Time?

thThis week is CRUNCH TIME for certain Student Ministries in parts of the world.  Why?  Because this is the last week of summer before school starts.  And, the 1st week of school is usually the 1st week of the fall program. That means no more procrastination…things need to get done quickly because it’s just about to get “real” quickly. Hence, this week is CRUNCH TIME! For me, I know that I have the get my calendar printed (all done, just printed), home group stuff and Sunday night curriculum finalized, as well as help Cory process some ideas he has up his sleeve.  If that was all I had, it’d be a relatively easy week. Oh, if it was only that simple.  I also have School Open Houses on 3 different days for my girls, going to King’s Dominion with the Youth Group, 3 days of Kids Camp that I am helping with and going to see my parents 1 day. So I’m feeling the crunch and it’s causing me a little anxiety right now…even as I write this blog.  I know that we are called to cast our anxiety of him (1 Peter 5:7 and Philippians 4:6-7) but right now crunch time is causing me some serious stress.  So, after I write up a little To Do List, I’m going to be praying often this week and try to get as much done as possible in preparation of the fall. So what about you? How is your fall planning coming along?  You done?  If not, what are you doing now that it’s crunch time?]]>

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