Ep. 2: Grace Giving

SidekickBanner23   Episode 2 Show Notes: This week I talk to Cory…same guy as last week 🙂 about his transitioning from a volunteer leader to full-time Staffer.  We also talk about giving grace to students, what that looks like and how it affects the students and ministry. Find out more about Cory on twitter by following him at @Big_Sully55 or at his blog. To check out the Youth Ministry Leader video Tom referenced that his friend Peter made. If you want to tweet about the show, you can say something like…

  • This week @tapounder is talking about Giving Grace to others in #ministry. Here it here http://ht.ly/JcsaY #stumin #thinkorange
  • Check out the podcast by @tapounder this week. It focuses on Giving Grace http://ht.ly/JcsaY #thinkorange #ymsidekick #stumin
  • This week’s #ymsidekick podcast focuses on Giving Grace. Check it out http://ht.ly/JcsaY #thinkorange #stumin
Or you can just make up something…as long as it’s nice :). Also, make sure you goto iTunes and subscribe to the podcast and see what cool things we do each and every week! Let me know what you think about the episode, in particular about Grace giving as a student minster.]]>

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