How to Make Old Content and Resources New

As a minister leader you will have created a lot of content over the years. They could be short devotionals, sermons, Bible studies, video or audio devotional or encouragement, tools and resources for ministry leaders or something else entirely. If you ever go back to your older content you’ve created, you might cringe a little as you might think, “how could I have created this”. If you have felt this way, you are not alone. Lots of ministry leaders have thought this.

Just because you have felt a cringe doesn’t mean that your content or resource isn’t good or relevant still. It just may need to be refreshed in some way. So, how can you refresh it and make it new again?  Here are 4 different ways you can refresh older content to make it new.

How to Transform Old Content and Resources

Update links. As with any older piece of content or resources, there might be some newer resources that you might want to link to or point people to.

Update Bible passages or points. If you are going to use an older devotional, Bible study or sermon, as you rethink what you’d like to say, maybe you add another point, change a point or add another Bible verse to strengthen your points.

Update images or graphics. When you have older content in the form of Bible studies, devotionals, or resources, images and graphics you once used might have outdated today. Take time to update the images and graphics so it can look and feel new.

contentUpdate SEO (keywords, meta description). Being discoverable on search engines like Google is so important. That is why refreshing your content and resources with appropriate keywords and meta descriptions on the pages in which your content or resources would be great to do. The more you can update this, the more people can find it.

Make it into a Short Form Video. Short form video is really popular with YouTube Shorts, TikTok and Instagram Reels. You could take an old blog post or long form video and make a short 1 minute video from it to share the same content, just in a different form. In fact, you can make a series of short form videos from this older content and share it as new.

Reformat in Other Ways. While short form videos are the most popular format at the moment, there are other ways you can reformat your older content. For instance, turn a sermon or message into a Bible study or Life Group


Ministers and ministry leaders spend a lot of time creating content and resources. Just because something you created is a little older or dated, doesn’t mean you can’t refresh it to make it new again. Look at some of your older content and see how you can repurpose it and make it new all over again. God can and will use it in some way to impact lives all over.

Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. What else stands out to you? Share them below or on social media. 

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